Wednesday,5th July 2006 - pakyin has a bbq party at his hse, sumthg like a gathering for the ex-classmates...i fast the whole morning n noon for tht bbq night..wahhaha!!they have fried mihun,sausages,fish,curry chicken, n chicken for bbq..
reach thr oni, i staright go EAT!!!!wahahhaha!!!n lotsa beers thy bought!!so i eat n drink,eat drink eat, drink...darn awhile..continue eating n drinking again...fattening giler...nvm..who cares~
aftr everyone's done, cleaning up n all, v went ss15 ta kei(DOTA)~
anyway, the interesting part is the evening when im goin to meet up wif yjin to go pakyin's place there's this guy sitting beside me in the train..his hair until his neck thr,a lil bit dyed..wearing a car, tight shirt tight jeans..ok..i thk is a gay..but i dn mind gays's ok for frens n all, but jz dn kacau me la..
ok..this while im reaching the destination, this guy who is sitting beside me since both of us enter the train suddenly ask me..."hey, what's the time??"
b4 tht i caught him staring at me 1 of a kind!! thn he continue asking me tht time n i told him again n again i dn have a watch...actually i can check the time thru my fon, but i duwanna continue a conversation will bring to dunno whr..obviously, u know his motive k..suddenly askin u wats the time while he's sitting beside u for the past 10 mins, staring at u like a kind n din notice tht i dn wear a watch??
anyway, he continue asking me where do i stay n where i study..
thank God, i reach Subang station d n quickly say Bye!!! n i fcuked off~tht was scary...
Thursday, 6th July 2006 - gotta attend a meeting wif the Aquaria KLCC ppl n a contractor who makes mascot costume..this meeting was at the Aquaria's office,UOA building..the 2nd prize winner was thr too..the contractor make mascot for Sunway Lagoon, A&W, n many more..
so the meeting is about the mecanism on making the mascot i design into a wearable costume..the 2nd proze winner's mascot has got no problem, cz his mascot is a turtle n a turtle has 2 hands n legs like a normal man..but when come to mind, the contractor was like "this is the one with some problems..its a leg.."
ahahha! luckily i did my homework b4 goin for meeting, i went n look for shark mascot costumes reference n tk some ideas from thr n show them during the, it was ok..
i actyually need to change alot of things..the jacket especially..thy want the life jacket to be a more recognisable, yeah...i need to go back n re-do the whole mascot..altogether, thr are 6 different pieces i need to do n hand in by Monday...n my coll so dead~ahahah!
but's kinda fun..
Friday 7th July 2006 - went Aquaria KLCC wif Eng Ju~she's back from i ajak her la wanna go Aquaria anot..sionce i havent been thr b4 also..(funny huh, i win the thg but i haven been thr b4..haahah) but anyway, 2day went's also her 1st time thr..i am so impressed by the cylinder look aquarium..want to have a few in my hse in the future..looks cool..n the sting-ray..wah..damn yeng..n BIG...thy're like flying in the sea..thy gave me the character like thy are the patrols of the!
anyway, 1 hr, kao tim edi...went makan ar Mdm. Kwan n thn to Kinokuniya..i cant find a good book bout Robots for reference which i need to use for my coming, din buy anythg..thn accompany Eng Ju jalan jalan, buy things for her bf n all..i've known her for 5 years..this is our 1st time went out 2gether n took pics..HAHAHAHA!!!!weird...anyway, it's nice goin out wif her..she's those "what also ok" type of person..not yim chim la..
went starbucks n drink n balik rumah~oh ya..i saw the new Satria NEO 2day in KL Sentral..when i saw it in the banner, to me, it sucks..but when i saw the real 1 2day..i was "hey, not bad looking actually!!!" so, i also itchy itchy masuk the car n c c all la..hahaha!!mayb the color attracts Satria GTI..i like Satria GTI anyway..
MUAHAHAAHHA!!! i keep laughing when look at the pic!! wahahahahahahahah!!! so funny!!
thanks to ganyewchin! GANYEWCHIN!
do pakyin get that pic ad?
send to him la ckin.
yawor...serious face at CC for TA KEI ONLY.....laf die !!
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