3DX Festival Singapore Day 2today is my 2nd day, n also the last day for me in this event x)
in the previous post i said tht the 3D tht we're doing is actually 2D, sorry, i was wrong.
i asked someone today how do they categorize it, the 3D tht we're doing is still 3D, n the other 1 is called as Stereoscopic 3D aka S3D.
the topic for today was mostly about the programmes, projectors n cameras used for making 3D Stereoscopic.
i dn really understand wat they talking about, cz i dont know all these stuff. LOL
but Autodesk gave a sharing on the pipeline in making S3D.
we start our usual pipeline in Maya, then import it into our compositing softwares, like Combustion, n then put it into Autodesk Lustre n done.
k, from wat i heard, for S3D, we need to composite TWICE.....1 for the left eye and 1 for the right eye. n Autodesk Lustre is a software where u work on the S3D editting.
So, it is
Maya---->Composite softwares------>Lustre------>render.
i hope i didnt get the wrong message. LOL
then we have sharing from
Dan Glickman, Chairman of Motion Picture Association of America(MPAA) and
Jim Gianopulous, CEO of 20th Century Fox.
* u see how many big time ppl i meet in this event?lol*k, basically their sharing was basically kinda same as ytrday, about the new film era, Stereoscopic 3D n how is this new era gonna help the world economy, especially at such time. After all, ppl still need entertainment!!!
besides that, Jim showed a very short preview of Titanic 3D!!!!!woo-hooo
guess u all cant wait to c the hand+window part in 3D eh? LOL
there was some discussion n argument on PIRACY n this is a BIG BIG BIG issue in our industry. it's OUR ENEMY! 1 said tht with S3D technology, nobody can do a pirate copy of it. but, he was disagreed by another person saying his new released S3D movie has ben pirated and it has the same 3D effect O_O!!! LOL pirates' technology damn keng also. HAHAHAHA
sooooo the only solution is, consumers, pls pls pls
dn buy pirated cds. LOL
ok, thts all about the sharing.
in these 2 days, i had 2 new experience.
1st, imagine....u get to watch Bolt together with the President of Walt Disney inside the same cinema hall. LOL and also watch Journey to the Centre of the Earth with Brendan Fraser too!! LOL it was a good show. alot ppl say Journey was a bad 1, but i don't think so. i watch it in 3D at home...erm..pirate DVD, ahahha! but when i saw it in S3D 2day, it's really really, DIFFERENT. i'd say the director is good. the story isnt draggy, everything was straight forward. i dn feel bored at all. n fyi, i actually dislike adventure movies like this.
2nd experience is watching a U2 concert in cinema. lol.
yes, it's U2-3D. a U2 concert, shot using 3D cameras. and u really feel like u're there in the concert.
Anywya, today i asked someone whether my eye which is cacated will make me being left behind in this new S3D era, and he said :
for an animator, story is the most important. nothing to do with 1 eye or 2 eyes.
i was happy to hear that x)
so my fellow CG Artists and animators, let's move on to the new CG era,
Stereoscopic 3D!!!