Friday, July 14, 2006

jz came back from Taylor's Intercoll Dance Competition..
great performances they have..but i actually prefer the 2nd n 3rd placing more to the 1st..
the 1st place 1..their dance kinda normal i me not a dancer, so, thts jz my opinion..
but the Emcee is the best i can say...damn entertaining!!

anyway, back to earlier 2day b4 goin for tht event..
was at Asia Cafe, meeting up wif Sean n frens..thn makan..
we're all chit chatting and suddenly heard some glass fell on the floor n "KLIANG!!"
it breaks.
it came from the table beside us

v turn n looked n v saw a gal took her drink(watermelon juice) n splash it on to the girl in front of her...her face was all watermelon then..
so tht gal stood up from her chair n shouted "so what the fuck now???"

man, look at these..GIRLS FIGHT's changing..1st some skool students..n now some 20+ girls..actually there are more out thr la..

but u know wat's the worst??
thr are actually 2 guys wif these 1st 4 of them were siting n chit chatting also..
when the girls start to fight, the guys got up, n went to another table n sit n watch them!!OMG...thy call themselves guys????such a disgrace la..
b4 tht, 1 of them look like those "cool-cool" type 1..n he went off n sat on another table..crap la he...
as gentlemen or wateva, thy should actually calm those 2 gals down n all..but thy walked off n watch from another side..thy know each other k???

those guys seriously..disgrace la..dunno wat word to describe them..

anywya, those 2 gals really "wow"
thy stared at each other for about 5 mins n 1 of them walked off..this is what they call GIRL!!!now guys all quiet fight d..wahahhaa!!new era man...

but still those 2 guys...haihz....

for ur info : the gals were both indians, n 1 chinese guy n 1 indian guy..oh ya, another indian gal was wif them also(din fight) n she din leave her place like the GUYS did...


Anonymous said...

girl fight again !!??? terrible world man
COWARD guys la tht 2 !!!!!
i think the girls r having pms.
ahah.anyhow.i like the 4 guys!! cuz four of them were equally good!! somroe chose tokyo drift song.Hawt!!!
metropolitan were hawt

Anonymous said...

girls these days are scary wei!

Anonymous said...

wei you forgot the part where 1 table of guys cheering