Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Team Spirit
here's another sharing on the final project that i'm working on now..
nth much to blog bout my daily life larh, or prolly i would say my work is my life for now..LOL

this is 1 of the interior part of the museum that we used to for lighting test today, done by KaiKeat with help from lecturer. i don't know bout you, but I, definitely am happy with it. x) well done. probably could make the mood slightly cooler i guess...

this, is just a test render to see what happens if we place the character inside the interior. can be better still, i'd say..u might find the place is very empty, cz we haven place the museum props/display items inside yet.

and here, finally!! are the characters for the short animation : Little Thief, Chinese Vampire, and Dracula. mmm somehow, still feel the charcaters not "dirty" enuff...look very clean, unnatural. gotta continue working on it! n if u wonder, why are theirs hands all lifted up 90degree; it's just to make things easier for us to do in the next step, which is skeleton rigging & paintweight.

from today's progress i thought...yes, we're slower than the timeline given..but..there's something coming out already..not to say we didn't do the work...but d group still lack of sumthg.
which is Team Spirit.

I could see everyone's working on their own but not as a team. wat we do is just c each other in class, then tell them what i wanna c d next class, how i wan it to be n bla bla bla. go home, everyone do their part, then show again the next class. it's good to c everyone doin their part..but we lack of the togetherness i'd say. LOL
aside from working 2gether, we lack of OUTING together. i think the group needs this man.

recently i join few of the member for movie, makan bla bla bla..i start to understand them more..like wat kinda style they're comfortable with..and also how they see things. sad eh? as their leader for like...5months..now only i get to see all these.haha
but it's nvr too late! i guess, i need to organise some shit for the group edi..go museum ke, Ikea ke, movie ke, Lagoon ke...mana-mana larh! mesti berbonding-bonding edi LOL.
too bad, they don't drink. must intro YewJin to them d. ahahah

so..another 2months or less is our dateline. NO HOLIDAY for us T_T
dn forget to watch xD

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Animation Mentor EBook

This is a book on Animation Tips and Tricks compiled by people from AM, and they are sharing this out with everyone. As you can see, this book is by Shawn Kelly(co-founder of Animation Mentor) who won "Best Single Visual Effect of the Year" in VES. He is also the an animator from Pixar and also involved in Transformers x)

To download this book, just log into http://www.animationmentor.com/tipsandtricks/signup.html and sign up then just follow the instructions. The thing is, it's free! x) so what are you waiting for??

Another thing is, Shawn Kelly will be Webinar on April 16th where he will have a seminar and Q&A session live on the web. You will stumble upon this thing on the process of downloading the book. You can have more information from there. x)